Tuesday, December 22, 2009
The Beast
We met at the kinky community I keep talking about (www.darkside.se), he found me, we started a conversation, you know; the usual stuff. After a while we decided that what we had felt good enough that a date would be suitable. Said and done, friday evening was spent together drinking tea and watching a movie (Avatar, go see, beautiful) and we found out that indeed we do make a good match.
Yesterday we spent in a little cottage out in the woods, all alone and no one to hear me scream...
We really hit it off, there were no hesitation or fumbling, spot on and full speed ahead at once. Unless he had told me so I would never have guessed him to be a beginner-dom. His imagination is vivid and evil, he got the craftmanship to follow through on every nasty idea he gets and I'm the one he's doing it too. I feel blessed!
His nick-name is based on the fact that he's like a beast in bed, I merely have to grab onto his body (his oh so muscular body) and try to keep up. He also likes to bite me. My neck is red, scratched and complete with a hickey, and so is my breasts. Hence The Beast and the wolf picture.
This is a guy that will stay with me for a while so forget those others I've tried out lately, they pale in comparison. Remember, The Beast.
Merry Christmas!
I'd just like note that I've met a boy, full of life and naughty toughts, that fit me exactly. We've just spent two glorious days together and I'm sure more will come as I finally seem to have a permanent play partner more close to my home.
For now I wish you all a very merry christmas with lots of spanking, presents and time to rejoice with the ones close to you. Mwah!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Share - The strap-less strap-on
First of all it's a lot of fun to suddenly have a cock to fool around with. For once you can be the one standing up taking your partner from behind or lying down and watching your partner struggle as they try to ride your cock. Much fun.
Secondly, Share feels awesome, for both parts. Notice the strange design and the lack of straps? The short bulky part goes into the pussy and with use of your pussy muscles you can walk around wagging your own cock in a matter of seconds. Just remember to not use alot of lubrication when inserting it as that will make it slide out again. However, if you know your pussy muscles are weak this might not be the thing for you as it's quit heavy and you have to hold it up by internal muscles alone. Judging by the respons from the man I tried this on the cock part feels like heaven on a stick. Not to mention seeing your "dick" going inside someone else, that is a fascinating image! It does take some practising to get used to the in-and-out-movement but surely you don't mind practising with your partner, may it be male or female?
Share is made out of silicon and has the lovely silk smooth touch that almost all of Fun Factorys products has and that I love. It is a bit on the expensive side but totally worth it. I strongly recommend this to anyone bold enough to go where no one gone before!
As I got closer she lifted her arms and invited me to her body and I gently embraced her into my arms. As we hugged I could feel every curve or her body, her ample breasts and soft stomach pushing against mine, and it was a warm and fuzzy feeling. Suddenly we were stood in a corner and I was leaning against the wall and we were kissing. It was a long and deep kiss, her tongue played around inside my mouth, feeling every little detail, rubbing against my tongue and following my lips lines. It was a sensual kiss and I woke up longing for a woman.
Friday, October 23, 2009
And how do I get rid of a sexual hangup?
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Caged, part 2
Part two of the lovely novel by the lovely Mita from DarkSide.
Part one can be found here.
Once again, I woke up in darkness, curled in a little ball in my cage. This time, it was from my bladder reminding me of certain basic needs. I shifted restlessly, trying to find the most comfortable position, but froze as I heard footsteps coming my way, marching in time with the clinking of dangling keys. The footsteps stopped just outside my cage and the cover was flung off (someone must have checked up on me as I slept and put it back on).
I blinked in the sharp, sudden light. This was not the same man as before. This one had a handsome, clean-shaven face with piercing blue eyes, short blond hair and a tall, muscular body. He was dressed all in black and held a leash in one hand while he bent to unlock and open the door of my cage.
“Come here. Now, you do not want me to have to come in and get you!” he said with a low but commanding voice as I hesitated, pressed against the bars across the cage from him, trying to hide my nakedness. I finally obeyed, but apparently I wasn’t moving quickly enough for his liking, for as soon as I was close enough he reached in with his right hand, grabbed a hold of my hair, and pulled to make me move faster. As I exited the cage and was on the floor just in front of him, he held his grip on my hair, and pulled my upper body up and back. At the same time he gave my behind a lash with the end of the leash and said “Sit” in a prompt tone. I sat down on my heels, and before he let go of my hair he tilted my head downwards. He clipped the leash in place, and then turned so that I was kneeling close to his left side.
“Now, this is called “Heel”, and is what you’re expected to do when exiting out of your cage, of course always waiting for the order before moving” he told me, and with a quick tug on the leash and a curt “Come,” he started forward, me crawling on all fours next to him. He kept the leash very short, and I was forced to lengthen my neck as much as I could, and keep close to his leg, in order not to chokingly be dragged along.
We went to a door I hadn’t noticed before, set in the opposite wall. Behind it was a bathroom complete with shower stall, sink and a toilet. He stopped a couple of steps into the bathroom, pulling me to a sitting position with the leash. He then unclipped it and pointed to the toilet.
“Help yourself to the toilet.” He made no move of leaving the room, and when I hesitated he poked my butt with the tip of his boot. “Your days of privacy are over. You might as well get used to that right now. Get moving!” Mortified and flushing furiously, I went to the toilet and did what I had to do, whilst looking down on the floor; trying to pretend that he wasn’t in the room, watching me.
When I had finished he ordered me into the shower, hands on the wall in front of me. I heard him bustling about, but didn’t dare to take a peak. I jumped when warm water suddenly hit me in a soft shower. He made sure I was thoroughly wet before turning the water off, pouring some shampoo on my hair and starting to massage it in. After having kneaded my head and neck, he poured a fresh-smelling soap on a puff and kept soaping my arms, back and legs. I had started to relax a bit from the warm water and the luxury of being gently and thoroughly washed, letting my head hang forward with my eyes closed, and didn’t react when he started soaping my belly, until he suddenly dropped the puff to the floor and let both his hands slide up to my breasts to give them a firm squeeze.
My head came up with a snap, and instinctively I tore my hands from the wall to grab his hands to pry them off me. Quicker than I could react though, he had both of my arms twisted behind my back, held securely in a one-handed firm grip. My cheek and body were pressed hard against the wall in front of me while his big, muscular body was leaning on my tiny form.
“Bad girl”, he hissed in my ear. “I did not give you permission to move, much less to touch me. Resistance is futile. The sooner you get that into your system, the better for you.” As he spoke, he swatted my butt a few times, to punctuate his words. I tried to squirm, but it was impossible, I was held too tightly.
He took my hands and again placed them on the wall in front of me. Then he laid his hands on my waist and pulled my lower body out further from the wall, so that I became unbalanced and had to lean on my hands not to fall over. Afterwards he made me spread my feet wide so that my body was positioned in the classic strip-and-search pose, and finally ordered me to stay put, or else…
I was panting slightly from fright and didn’t dare to do anything other than obey. He waited a minute or so, to let me calm down a bit, then let his hands again slowly slide up to cup my breasts. He started playing with them, squeezing, caressing, and lightly flicking the nipples, alternating the sensations from soft to hard and with occasional small bursts of pain. After a little while, he took my nipples between his fingertips and slowly, slowly tweaked them until I gasped from the pain. He kept still there for a moment, just to make a point of me having to let him do whatever pleased him, before letting go and returning to his toying of my breasts with one hand. The other one he let slide down my body, over my stomach, all the way to my cunt. With his other hand, he kept one of my nipples in a warning grip, silently telling me to behave, while he let his hand slide in between my legs.
Next, he let his finger, slick with foamy soap and my natural moisture, thoroughly examine every crevice of my pussy. I closed my eyes, trying, to no avail, to distance myself from my body’s reactions. But he made it impossible for me to ignore his hands, as they skilfully mixed pleasure with pain. Pretty soon, he had my stiff body trembling, my breaths now pants from arousal, more than fear. As he let first one, then two long fingers slip deep inside me, I involuntarily gasped from the intensity of the sensation, arching my back as much as I could, grinding myself on his hand. Just as I was about to abandon my stubborn and useless struggle not to come, my legs weak and shaking from lust, he stopped.
He….. stopped! I couldn’t believe it. There he had me, against my will, so hot I could barely stand, and when I finally was about to let go, to let him win, he just stopped. I blinked, disbelievingly, trying to comprehend what was happening as he pulled his fingers out of me, released my bosom, and quickly but efficiently rinsed the soap off.
If I was mad before, I was in a pure fury now. I never let my lust steer my actions. I was always in control, always level-headed about what happened in the bedroom. And now, when I, for once, let my control slip, I was denied the reward. I could not believe it! I glared at him as he finished rinsing me and turned the water off.
When he’d put the shower head back into its proper place, he met my eyes, taking in my stiff-legged, furious stance in a quick glance. I defiantly stared back at him, took a deep breath; but before I managed to say anything, his hand snaked out and grabbed the ring in my collar. With a quick pull and twist he had me lying on my stomach the floor at his feet, blinking, wondering what the heck had just happened.
He went into a crouch next to me, took one of my arms and twisted it behind my back in a painful grip. The other he used to take a firm grip of my chin and bend my head up so that I had to look him in the face.
“You have no more say in anything. Anything we want to do with or to you, you will accept, without complaint. You will do as you are told, promptly, and to the best of your ability. I do not want to hear any arguments from you. Failure means punishment. Is that understood?” When I didn’t reply he twisted my arm higher until I cried out a “Yes!” “Yes, Sir is the correct answer. Try again.”
I quickly answered with a “Yes Sir” and was rewarded with getting my arm back in a more comfortable position. He, then, lifted me up to a standing position and dried me off with a soft towel. Finished with that, he grabbed the leash and slapped his left leg, saying “Heel”. I quickly obeyed, going down to kneel next to his left foot, being too tired and confused to offer any more resistance. He clipped the leash back on and led me back to the cage. Before closing and locking the door he put a bowl of water on the floor for me to drink from. He made sure I drank some before he left me alone in the room again, forcing me to stand on my fours and only using my mouth while drinking.
My first time
Ahem. Honestly it's more the exhibitionistic side in me that made me create it. If someone likes what I write and get turned on by it, I feel I have succeded. Ok, getting side tracked once again.
Do I regrett having sex on the first night? No.
Do I regrett having it with him? No.
Do I regrett meeting him? Yes.
Now this may strike you as not compatible but as life goes on, I've learned that every little experience makes you who you are at the moment and right now I'm rather happy how I turned out to be. And you can always change who you are, it just takes a really long time. If I haden't met him I don't know when my first contact with sex with another person would have been, my qualified guess is when I hooked up with my second boyfriend, also known as my current play pal. However bad person the first boyfriend was he did teach me some things: Don't trust unconditionally. Don't let anyone physically threathen me. And leave immediately if someones say "I'll kill myself if you leave me." Despite that he was never a bad lover, we had fun in bed and I never felt forced into doing something I wasen't prepared to do. Many times I have wondered if I got talked into doing stuff that first night, seeing as I don't really have a vivid memory of it, but in the end I think it doesn't matter. When I think back about it I don't have any regretts or strange feelings about it and I'm not emotionally hurt so whatever we did, it was good.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Amazingly enough he tried to tie my hands together, but just as an experiment not a sexual invitation. Boo-ooring. On the plus side he put the sticky side, the hooks, on the inside and told me to try and pull my hands apart. I failed of course, velcro is really good at keeping stuff together, but I got some nice tiny dots around my wrists wich I happily inspected.
And yes I got a bit turned on. And yes I really need to try this velcro buisness out.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Unexpected fun time!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Family dreams
"You like this don't you? I know you do, I can see it in your eyes and your movement. No need to deny it."
Almost out of breath I mumble something while nodding slowly, helplessly caught in his commanding eyes. He loosens his grip and I quickly draw in some more air before he once again shuts me off.
"I know how you want to be treated, I can read you like an open book even when you are surrounded by people who knows nothing of this."
Once again I am allowed a quick breath. Inside me something is brewing, my body is heavy and I got a tingling feeling between my legs. Even though he only holds one hand on me I'm incapable of moving.
"Do you want me to treat you the way you deserv?"
He let's go off me and stands up, tall and slim with blond hair. At first I'm only breathing and enjoying the fresh air. Then I position myself on my knees, hands on thighs and eyes on his feet and proclaims:
"Please do master."
Thursday, October 8, 2009

As I walked past the trees I got to thinking about their bark.
"It's very rough. If I were to press my breasts against it I'm sure it would hurt in a most pleasurable way."
It was only that short thought that crossed my mind and I never thought about fulfilling it. Happily I walked onwards.
However, on the way home the sun had set and the forest were rather dark and the same thought crossed my mind again. But this time I realized the possibility I had to live it out. I suddenly stopped and stared around me. Took another look around me. Found a suitable tree right in front of me. Glared, stared and watched the forest around me, carefully making sure I was totally alone. When certain I slowly proceeded to pull my top up, including my bra, and exposing my breasts to the cold fall air. Wonderfull.
I pressed my body against the lean tree, placed my breasts on either side of the trunk and enjoyed the feeling. It was way more intense than I had expected it to be. Unable to think sensible I pressed myself harder against the tree, with my legs on either side I angled my lower body so that my pussy would come in contact with the tree. The tree gave excellent stimulation and I stayed there for a few moments just enjoying the moment. Lustfully sighing and picturing myself naked and in the same position with a whipping incoming.
First time we found a really romantic place filled with moss. It was many years ago so forgive me for not remembering the details. I do know he whipped me with birch while I was lying on a big rock. Also remember getting sperm on my pants...
Second time was like the first one except the birch. We had to stop in the middle of running, find a secluded spot in the forest and fuck. Equally awesome. Sperm on my pants this time too..
I'm not overly exhibitionistic but I seem to enjoy having sex in the nature when I know I'm alone. There is something very special about feeling the air caressing your body and natures calm approval of who you are.
Maybe next year I'll rent a small cottage, invite a couple of well selected friends and really enjoy the nature.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Back in buisness? Let's hope!
Boyfriend gave me a really strong orgasm this evening. I had just gotten out of the shower, wich is a really god time to get down on me as I don't worry about smelling or being unfresh, when suddenly he was behind me and clearly onto something. First there were stroking of my breasts and nipples, and he knows how to handle them by now, it's a very delicate process. Can't go out to fast or hard because that takes away some of my hornyness. Apply the correct pressure and move slowly, treat my breasts good and you'll have a real treat in watching me endlessly moan and wriggle. So after the correct pressure had been applied and he got my breath all deep and fast he carefully pushed me down onto the bed and kissed me slowly down my chest, over my stomach and ended up on my pussy. My lips were still closed and with my pubic hair as a protective barrier it felt great! Also a matter of moving at the right speed and not aiming straight for the clit. Extremely lightly he placed his tongue at the bottom of my pussy and dragged it all the way to the top. It was awesome! Remember that, don't go straight for the goods, tease and you will please!
With one finger up my anal, more fingers inside my pussy and my own fingers on the clit I came, long and hard. And for once I was totally quiet. I also stopped breathing during the orgasm. It was intense.
I wonder why I stop breathing when the sensations are strong. It's not only during orgasm I do that. Happens alot during oral sex. Normally I'm not very good at holding my breath but when it happens if I'm horny I hold it and don't even notice I'm lacking oxygen. I always think that one day I should take time but that makes me focus on the air and so I notice the lack of oxygen wich fails the try.
So, with my lust somewhat restored I'm hoping I will be able to wrap up my review of my toys, get back into masturbating and being the horny girl I truly am.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
True Blood
I'm sure it comes as no big surprise that I'm totally hooked. I mean, have you seen the multitude of sex scenes? And it's not sweet love we're talking, it's hardcore with the fresh smell of blood. If it was the real world, and I was living it, I would definately go for a vampire. But preferably not one that kills humans!
Aside from being a really god tv-show that I really look forward to follow it portraits sex in a way american TV normally don't dare. It's dark and brutal, and we get some really nice shots of naked people having sex. And all those scenes with bare necks followed by fangs, makes me bone shiver with lust!
I remember one scen with bare neck from todays episodes. Sookie comes looking for Bill in his house but is met by three other vampires by the door. She get's invited by Bill but it doesn't seem like he's willing to control his "friends". Eventually all three of them are circling her, smelling her, longing for her virginity. The male vampire behind her grabes her head and pushes it to the side, exposing her neck in a most erotic way. For them it's dinner. Imagine her, a young innocent woman standing in the middle of three hungry and lustfilled vampires. His hand with a tight grip on her head, her neck so pale and tempting. Yum yum.
A little bit of wisdom on the way to death
Monday, September 14, 2009
Tonights dream
It involved me and my play pal's boyfriend. The boyfriend is an übercute, tall boy with dark eyes and no bdsm-interest what so ever. Luckily that didn't stop my dream from making him act very kinky.
However, all I can recall is me being very horny, him being very horny and fucked by a dildo-machine while I lustfully watched it.
I'm having a bit of a low period right now, I'm not even masturbating. But I can tell you this, since I created my blog my ratio of sex dreams has increased a lot. Probably had more sex dreams this year than I've had all my life before. Dreams gives me the same intense feelings as a well performed bdsm-session does and I love those feelings!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Building theories
So I thought to myself; who of my partners have made me feel truly submissive? I came up with The Musician and My Play Pal. And what is different about them, what do they have that no one else I've been with have? Of course there's experience but I also stumbled across another piece of information: How they treat me between our sessions.
They are both very busy boys, they live a full life with work, school, friends and everything else. Seeing as I have much more time on my hands I am horny more often than they are, leaving me in the dependant situation. It's me who asks them if they have the time to play. I try to be casual and sweet but I can't help to feel I'm nagging a bit. I'm not sure this has any relevance at all as to why they are better doms than anyone else, but it sure does feel like the power is with them even outside our sessions. With the other boys we are more equal or maybe even I'm the one in control. This theory of mine is a bit unsetteling as I am a very firm believer in having the control of myself outside the sessions. If the theory is correct, that I only enjoy dominants guys that keep me at distance when not playing, then I will never be able to live with my future master, having a normal relationship with him.
Maybe I'm just being silly and the answer is much more simple. I've just ran into those kind of doms but there are a lot of other ones out there, ones that won't keep me at a distance when we're not playing. But do I really want it like that? Maybe I've grown to accustomed to the inferior role and won't understand another situation even if it bites me in the arse.
His tongue was pierced
Friday, September 4, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Caged, part 1
This wasn’t my bedroom. Come to think about it, not even a bedroom, I found out as I cautiously tried to uncurl myself and hit walls. No, not walls, metal bars. Cold, hard, metal bars, with thick soft cloth on the outside. I felt the panic starting to rise, fuelled by fear. And what was that around my neck? My hands flew up to my neck, finding a thin leather collar with a metal ring attached at the front. As quickly as I could I undid the clasp and threw the collar away from me; it hit the bars with a clang. Apart from that, the only sound I could hear was my own rapid breathing.
Suddenly there was a new sound in my world of darkness. A rhythmic thumping, made of hard heels on a wooden floor, coming closer. The footsteps stopped. “Ah, so we are finally awake?” It was a deep, manly voice, sounding slightly amused. “Let me introduce myself” The sudden bright light on the other side of the cage made me blink; the man had lifted one side of the cloth covering my cage. “I, he said as he peered at me, covering in the furthest corner, am your new Master, and you are my new Toy. Since I’ve paid quite a lot of money for you, I expect that you’ll perform well and show me what a good little slave you are. Now, come out and greet your Master”. He opened the door and took a step back. I didn’t move, just watched him intensively. He raised an eyebrow; “I said, come here, NOW”. I shook my head. “You’re not my master. You’re not my anything. I’m a free woman and you’d better let me go, now! I said, defiantly. His other eyebrow joined the first one. “You know, you’re just making it more difficult for yourself”, he said as he started to peel the fabric off the top of the cage. I tensed, watching him closely; he didn’t seem to pay too much attention to me, intent on his task of moving the heavy cloth. When he had reached the other end of the cage, I made a dash for the opening.
Just as I was fully out of the cage, he pounced on me, and we fell heavily to the floor, wrestling. I did my best, trying to escape him, but he was too strong and well trained for my efforts to last, and before very long I found myself lying on my stomach, breathing heavily, my hands effectively and somewhat painfully pinned behind my back where he was sitting. “So, he said as I felt him shift on top of me, you want to do this the hard way, eh? Fine with me” I heard metal clinking, and cold metal suddenly encased my wrists. “On your knees!” He got of me and took a firm hold of my hair to pull me up. “I haven’t had the opportunity to break a new slave in for quite a while. I am going to enjoy this! He bent his head close to my ear and whispered; “Thoroughly…”
“What’s this, the bitch has taken her collar off? I see I will have to teach you never to take anything off that I put on you without my expressive permission! Now, for your own good, don’t move” He let go of me, sullenly sitting on my knees with my hands handcuffed behind my back, went to retrieve the collar, and put it around my neck, making sure it was sitting tight. “There, much better, don’t you agree?” He tilted my head up and stroked a finger along my jaw line, ignoring the hate in my eyes. As he came close to my mouth I tried to bite his fingers; he quickly snatched his hand away. “Feisty little minx!” Smack! He cuffed me across the face. “That is NOT the way to treat your Master!” The hit was hard enough and unexpected enough to fell me to the floor. As I tried to get over the chock he quickly went to a nearby table to pick something up, then straddled me where I was lying, helpless, on the floor, and roughly strapped a gag on my head.
He then grabbed my hair and pulled me up on my feet, using the hair as a handle to pull my face close to his and hissed; “You obviously have A LOT to learn. I’d better make you unable to get yourself into trouble, until you’ve learnt who your Master is. I guess I just have to leash you like the ill-mannered bitch you are” as he said this he clipped a leash unto my collar and started to drag me across the room towards some kind of metal construction, almost like a freestanding doorway, with loops and rings on it in strategic places. I tried to dig my heels in, but the combination of him pulling on the leash connected to my neck, and an encouraging slap with a riding crop he’d kept in his riding boots kept me moving.
At the doorway he tossed my leash over the top, and pulled on it until I had to stand on tiptoe, or hang from the collar, and there he made it fast. He then walked around me, letting the crop caress and poke, sliding up along the legs, up the skirt and lifting it to better his view. I couldn’t defend myself against his intrusion, focused as I had to be to stay and hold my balance on my toes. Quite quickly he tired of the game and decided that he wanted to inspect his new toy more thoroughly. He picked up a knife, and, after letting the flat of the cold steel slowly, tauntingly, slide up my arm, sliced through my clothes, letting them fall off, one by one.
“Now, this is the way I like you; easily accessible for your Master at all times, should he so choose. Now, about your punishment…” Smack! Suddenly the crop hit my bare butt, making me jump and cry out from surprise and pain. He gave me a dozen lashes, letting his cruel whip spread stinging warmth across my buttocks. I tried to twist away, to escape, but to no avail; my leash didn’t give me much room to move. Apparently, even so, it wasn’t little enough to please my cruel captor; he stopped swinging the crop, letting it fall to the floor behind me, and stepped up close to me, pressing himself to my back, letting me feel his hardness and his hands slide up the front of my body, cupping themselves around my breasts, squeezing them, playing with the nipples until they hardened. “You know, I think something is missing; you don’t seem to find enough pleasure in your punishment. I’m going to add something extra to your friends here, and if you’ll be a good girl and stand still I’ll soon end your punishment. If not, well…” He released me and stepped away, coming around the frame after picking something up from the table and putting it in his pocket. He then first took my right breast in his hand, and started kissing his way over it, stopping at my nipple to lick, suck and nibble, first lightly, then harder as his hand massaged the breast, finally biting hard enough for me to gasp, quickly following it up by putting a nipple clamp on it, then stepping back to let me feel the pain blooming. “You like that, don’t you?” he said as he watched me trying to calm my breaths. Not giving me too much time to adjust to the new sensation, he repeated the procedure with the other breast and strode to the back of me again. “Now, remember, not too much squirming, or I’ll make it worse. Show me you can follow orders.” With that he started whipping me again, waiting in between the lashes for me to absorb the pain, watching me all the time with calculating eyes. I did my best to stand still, trying to breathe as deeply as I could, closing my eyes hard and fighting the tears. Even so, a tear leaked from underneath my eyelids and ran down my cheek. As soon as he saw that, he stopped.
He stuck the whip back down in his boot and came to stand in front of me. He reached out with a finger and caught my teardrop from my cheek, and looked at it, a look I couldn’t decipher on his face. He removed the nipple clamps and then the gag, all the time watching me closely. In a strangely soft voice he said; “I think that you have learnt today’s lesson. Wouldn’t you agree? Answer me.” I looked at him with large eyes, still having the occasional tremor going through my body from the pain of the punishment. “Yes”, I mumbled and looked down. Immediately there was a hint of steel in his voice and eyes, and he took my chin in a firm grip, raising my face to his. “I didn’t hear you. Try again.” I trembled, gazing into his eyes, not being able to look away. “Yes, Master” I whispered, defeated.
He looked into my eyes for a little while longer, and then, with a satisfied look in his eyes, released my chin. “Good Toy, that’s the way to answer your Master”. He unbound me from the steel construction and led me back to the cage. “I will take your handcuffs off and allow you to go into your cage to rest for a bit. I do not want to come back and find that you have taken your collar off again. Is that clear? You will _not_ like the result if you disobey me. Answer.” Again, I whispered “Yes Master”, looking at the cage that was to be my home. He uncuffed my hands and unclipped the leash, gestured for me to enter the cage and then locked it behind me, leaving it uncovered. As he walked out of the room, I once more curled, though this time very carefully, into a ball, trying not to cry. He was right. I had learnt my lesson. My body was sore and hurting and I felt very small and helpless. But I wasn’t broken. Just because I said what he wanted to hear and went where he pointed didn’t mean I actually meant it, that he was my “Master”. I did my best to tell myself that that small twitch of pleasure I had felt deep inside me when he praised me was really something else…
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Last night, just before I went to bed, I stumbled upon some youtube videos (the above one being one of them) of latex dressed woman and although I don't have a perticular fetisch for latex it apparently stuck to my head. This morning I woke up in the afterglow of a strong sex dream. No specific details remains complete in my memory but I do know I was staying with a master along with one or two other girls. We were all dressed in latex suits that covered the whole body and he liked to see us embarrassed so he had us go out in the public without us realizing it until we already were out in the open. He was a very gentle and good master, no punishment or pain were present int the dream - just the feeling of belonging to him. His calm dominance is what coloured the entire dream and I can't wait to belong to someone who will give me the same feeling in real life.
It's so incredible hard to describe the feeling of a dream, all I can say is that mine was oozing with lust, and a little bit of shame. Shame is always part of my hornyness. Not because I'm ashamed of my lust but because I get turned on by being ashamed/embarrassed/humiliated.
I stayed in bed for as long as the dream was vivid. Will be spending the day in quiet frustration.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Step 1 secured!

Monday, August 17, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Black-haired beauty
Lovely corset, lovely breasts
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Porrtrollet goes brute
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Lelo Lily and LAYAspot, zomg!

Saturday, August 1, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Dreams and lust
Hen party (who made that word up!?)

So, let's pray it arrives some time soon so I can enjoy it in front of the camera.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Practise makes perfect

Giving and taking

I've also done some anal fisting on some occasions and I like it. The best part is of course to see how much the man likes it. And they usually do, they love it with every cell in their body. So I really recommend it. Don't be scared and dont be grossed out. The reward is worth it.
"Dubbelmacka" as we say back in ol' Sweden

Thursday, July 9, 2009
Slept like a doll. A fuck doll that is
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
My exhibitionistic side strikes again
Future boyfriend
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
In heat
Friday last part

To front of my thighs got a severe beating with it. Yes it hurt. I sobbed and I moaned and I begged. My legs folded and I wanted to sit down on the floor but he wouldn't let me. As a finisher he hit me on both my cheeks. It was scary as the shoe helper got really close to my eyes but as long as I closed them and relaxed my facial muscles it stopped being scary and just hurt.
Friday part 2
Ops, solly!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Ass status: Thursday
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Ass status: Monday
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Friday nights dream
Friday part 1
Ass status: Sunday
Friday, June 12, 2009
Friday evening brought new experiences
Thursday, June 11, 2009
When in need, smash a window

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The Musician
As I wrote yesterday a guy contacted me asking if I wanted a play pal for the summer. I said yes, we chatted for a while and then, rather quickly to be me, decided to meet and see if it could lead somewhere. So Monday morning I took the bus to him, I had butterflies in my stomach and a well hidden thought that maybe, just maybe, I would get my ass spanked. But of course, my sensible side told me I shouldn't/wouldn't have sex on the first meeting. Therefore I did not bring any condoms, nor did I shave at all. Anything from stopping my weak morale to get the better of me...
It all started out rather innocent, there were eating, conversations about normal stuff and generally a get-to-know-each-other time. As the day passed we got closer and closer to the question "Do you want to play with me?". As I recall it he was the one who asked first but also the one who answered it first. Positively. I agreed with him.
Eventually we ended up at his house, his empty house with no one to disturb us...
Still I was vaguely determined to not do anything, but also very excited at the thought of something maybe happening. It wasen't until he locked the door that I understood that something really was going to happen. The amount of emotions running through me as he took the few steps from the door to me is probably more than what occurs during vanilla sex for other people. My nervousness, all the excitment and all the joy gathered at a southern point in my body. It made my eyes flicker from side to side, my body tense and my breathing shallow, honestly I think I am a bit addicted to that specific mixture.Soon thereafter I found myself in his bed, jeans pulled down halfway and with his hand raised above my ass, just about to cane me. A few thoughts about my sanity crossed my mind but mostly I just floated around on the waves of pain and pleasure.
One of the things I like to think about the most is when he caned me on the sole of my feet. I've always felt repelled or turned off when seeing it in pictures or movies and so I thought I would never like it for myself, I was not even interested in trying. Well, turns out I didn't have much choice with him and it also turns out I like it. Hurts as hell of course but that's the beauty of it.
Something else that keeps me occupied is the promises he has made for the next time we meet. This Monday were only a "test run", I did not get bruised nor did my body hurt afterwards but that will change he says. I can't stop myself from getting wet by the mere thought of more pain! I think he has some really evil tricks up his sleeve and I'm eager to experience them!
In the end I'm very happy I took this chance as it's payed off already, I think I've met the master I was longing for - at least for the summer.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Still frustrated, but happy

Monday, June 8, 2009
I haven't mentioned anything but a man contacted me a while back, asking me if I was interested in having a play pal for the sumer - frustrated as I am I actually said yes and we mailed and chatted for a while, not very long though, a week perhaps, and then decided we should meet and see if this could lead anywhere. So today we met. And lead somewhere it did.
Details at a later time...