As I walked past the trees I got to thinking about their bark.
"It's very rough. If I were to press my breasts against it I'm sure it would hurt in a most pleasurable way."
It was only that short thought that crossed my mind and I never thought about fulfilling it. Happily I walked onwards.
However, on the way home the sun had set and the forest were rather dark and the same thought crossed my mind again. But this time I realized the possibility I had to live it out. I suddenly stopped and stared around me. Took another look around me. Found a suitable tree right in front of me. Glared, stared and watched the forest around me, carefully making sure I was totally alone. When certain I slowly proceeded to pull my top up, including my bra, and exposing my breasts to the cold fall air. Wonderfull.
I pressed my body against the lean tree, placed my breasts on either side of the trunk and enjoyed the feeling. It was way more intense than I had expected it to be. Unable to think sensible I pressed myself harder against the tree, with my legs on either side I angled my lower body so that my pussy would come in contact with the tree. The tree gave excellent stimulation and I stayed there for a few moments just enjoying the moment. Lustfully sighing and picturing myself naked and in the same position with a whipping incoming.
First time we found a really romantic place filled with moss. It was many years ago so forgive me for not remembering the details. I do know he whipped me with birch while I was lying on a big rock. Also remember getting sperm on my pants...
Second time was like the first one except the birch. We had to stop in the middle of running, find a secluded spot in the forest and fuck. Equally awesome. Sperm on my pants this time too..
I'm not overly exhibitionistic but I seem to enjoy having sex in the nature when I know I'm alone. There is something very special about feeling the air caressing your body and natures calm approval of who you are.
Maybe next year I'll rent a small cottage, invite a couple of well selected friends and really enjoy the nature.
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