Monday, May 11, 2009

Stockholm Fetish Weekend

Yay, I'm going!

Booked the bus, decided with my friend I get to stay there, started thinking about what to pack...holy crap I have no idea what to pack!?

I'll be meeting people I need to look good! Should I paint my nails black, or would that give out signals I'm not prepared to follow up on? My period started, will it end before friday so I can play properly? Will the workers outside my window ever be finished? What underwear, wich clothes? Will it be warm - sumer clothes - or cold - normal clothes? Ok ok, calm down. This is a sex blog, should probably stick to that...

My friend told me he will kick his own boyfriend out of the appartment if it means he gets to play with me. Hopeully the boyfriend has other stuff to do on friday so we can play in private without the kicking...
My friend mentioned me going to a sex shop and buying something he could use on me, wich could prove very embarrassing - and hot - to execute. I've been to the intended shop before, together with my sumer crush, but alone and to buy something, probably painful, that will be used on me the same evening...that is both exciting and embarrassing. And honestly a perfect mix of emotions that turns me on very much. I hope he goes through with it and sends me to the shop while he's at work on friday. One day I will write down what I remember about my earlier visits to my friend. And I should probably figure out a better references to him than "my friend" because I do have other friends that him. I have my sumer crush and my italian boy that I speak of alot, shall I just call this friend my painfull friend? I'm not really found of that, any other ideas? Should help if I give out the entire story some day too, wich I will. But not right now. Busy bee.

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