What an interesting photo this is. We don't actually get to see the caning but we can imagine what has just happened between the two.
Her butt is probably red and aching and she's desperatly trying to cool it with the fan. But most likely to no avail. In my mind her master is only giving her a moment to rest before he's on it again.
This picture makes me long for the cane. I know that the moment the cane hits my body I'll regrett wanting it but I still do.
The Beast has a cane. I've yet to taste it for more than a few strokes but I'm sure more are to come. We only have a limited time to play around when we meet so we can't do it all in one go. Im just so impatient and I can't wait to develop more and more sick ideas with this man. He has a imagination and a desire to fulfill his darkest dreams that I haven't meet before, plus his personality is really focused on being in control of every little detail, wich in sessions is really handy. Not so much in our "normal" relationship... But hey, that's an entirely different blog!
In addition to getting caned on my ass I like to have the sole of my feets and the palm of my hands caned. Not as hard as an ass-caning though, I do like to be able to walk afterwards. But a lighter stroke of the cane on the sole or the palm can really trigger something inside me. Pain triggers the nerves of course and at the same time it's an act of dominans. "Look what I can do to your body. It's all mine and you don't get to say no."*
The simple act of sitting on the floor in front of a master wielding a cane would get me aroused. Being inspected while he walks around my naked body, using the cane to point at body parts and demanding that I position myself differently. Cuddling with The Beast on the couch, having the cane on the table in front of us as a reminder of who's in charge.
*Disclaimer: Of course I get to say no, the whole part of playing around in the bdsm-world is that both the sub and the dom have the right and obligation to say no whenever something feels out of hand. I always assume you readers know about this part since you are reading my blog.
In fact, Im so safe with The Beast that even the slightest twitch or moan that isen't part of my submission gets him to stop what he's doing. He is an excellent master for me (insert ridiculously big smile).
Monday, May 31, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
I was watching Eurovision Song Contest Semifinal II last night and during two performances the male singer took a steady grip on his female counterparts throat on the stage.
My submissive side awoke both times.
Getting my needs well fulfilled last weekend apparently made me hungry for more, not satisfied for a while ahead. Could also be the period incoming. God I'm horny.

Furthermore, this is an awesome picture. Feeling that big strong hand pressing over your mouth, not being able to scream or get away. Yes please! Like now. Like all the time.
My mind is so sick at times. And I love it!
My submissive side awoke both times.
Getting my needs well fulfilled last weekend apparently made me hungry for more, not satisfied for a while ahead. Could also be the period incoming. God I'm horny.

Furthermore, this is an awesome picture. Feeling that big strong hand pressing over your mouth, not being able to scream or get away. Yes please! Like now. Like all the time.
My mind is so sick at times. And I love it!
Ryan Reynolds
Apparently this is the actor Ryan Reynolds - I have no idea who he is or what movies he has done but whatever. Look at his position, his predicament. There is something very erotic about a strong man properly broken down. I'd walk around him with a whip in my hand and tease him merciless.
"Those big, strong muscles ain't doing ya no good now hun."
Then I'd torment him in my basement where the screams don't reach outside my wall. I think I need a maschocistic little slave boy to play around with. The Beast does not like pain - to my disappointment.
"Those big, strong muscles ain't doing ya no good now hun."
Then I'd torment him in my basement where the screams don't reach outside my wall. I think I need a maschocistic little slave boy to play around with. The Beast does not like pain - to my disappointment.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
The surprise
Cling film.
Ever tried that as a bondage tool? If not, do so.
Last week The Beast had promised me a surprise for the weekend. We were going to spend four days together and I had high hopes for what he had in plan for me. I was not let down. At all.
I went to his place Thursday afternoon, regular sex occured, we cuddled and fell asleep. Friday came, we did a bunch of chores and in the afternoon it was time to start preparing the dinner. But first he sent me to the shower to shave and clean up. So I shaved real close, making my pussy hairless except for a tuft of hair above the lips. Suddenly he bursts in through the door wielding a pair of scissors and brutally cut a big chunk of the tuft away. I wasn't in submissive mood at the time so I was really stunned when he did it but yet surprisingly horny by it.
When I was done in the shower he told me he wanted to dress me up. A black rope harnesk around my upper body, black leather cuffs around my ankle and wrists, a chain running from ankle to ankle and a chain running from my waist to my wrist cuffs, he put a strong vibrator in my pussy and a leather collar around my neck.
Then he started wrapping me in cling film. He covered my body in it, starting from my breasts and ending just below my pussy. When he was done I had a shiny, see-through, dress.
I could barely move and bending over was impossible. Looking at myself in the mirror was awesome, it looked gorgeous with the plastic and the black details. I do want to do that again!
After preparing the dinner and putting it in the oven it was time to eat. I made the table for one and he cut my pizza into small slices and served them in a bowl on the floor. The sensation of being forced to stick your face into a bowl on the floor and getting food all over your face is lovely. The humiliation, the position with your ass sticking out - it all works. After being a good girl and finishing the food I was allowed to sit at the table and even got permission to speak more freely. But only for 20 minutes. And I wasen't allowed to look at the watch. That was exciting and a really nice advice if you want to freak out your sub. You sub will either constantly be afraid of missing the time so she barely speaks or forget about the time and get caught doing something forbidden, wich in my opinion is a sweet sensation.
The evening had more fun stuff, but I'll get back to that at a later time!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
That oily sensation
The Beast has a rubber sheet (it's not actually rubber but close enough) wich we finally got around to using last weekend. We spread it over his huge bed, took of our clothes and started putting on oil. Just regular baby oil to be economic. Let me put it this way - Go buy yourself a sheet (english/swedish)! You don't have to be even slightly kinky to appreciate this. It's lovely!
Being slippery and oily and sliding around on the sheet is fun but it's not why you should buy it. It's for the sensation of getting stroked all over your body over and over and over. The oil, the sheet and your partners body work together in a wonderful way and every nerve is getting stimulated at the same time. I'm generally a horny person but being huddled up with The Beast on that sheet made me go bananas. We humans do require human touch to feel good and that's exactly what this session gave to us. Touch. Feeling good.
The session did start out with me in a submissive role and him as my master but it was soon apparent that I couldn't keep myself in that role, the oil and the sheet felt to good to have as a second stimulation. It needed to be my first. So we switched. Between sub and dom, between kink and vanilla and we spent a good 3 hours having fun on that sheet. I'm guessing it'll be used more often in the future.
So I recently came into possession of a copy of Portal. I've been wanting to try it out but was afraid that the puzzles would drive me into madness so I didn't want to buy it. But lo and behold, Steam offers it for free!
Now, this is not a game review (The game is really sweet though) but rather about a google search I did after playing for a while on the name GlaDOS, wich is an AI that follows you throughout the game.
Can't recall why I googled her but the first picture that showed up was this one and I fell for it. I love the mumification, the sense deprivation, the leather belts. It's all lovely!
"With his hands around my neck, I close my eyes and pass away"
I have always been into breath control but since I met The Beast that interest has really exploded and I can't imagine sex without some kind of breath control. Preferably being strangled.
First of all, my neck is an erotic zone and any kind of touch there will cause goosebumps on me. Secondly it's the power I give to my partner: "Here's my supply of oxygen, you decide if I can use it or not". And thirdly, something about the brutal hand around my throat and the look in The Beasts eyes when he does it makes me spin into immense hornyness. I'm rather certain that the lack of oxygen also has an impact on my bodys reactions but I know too little about biology to determine to wich extent.
As you might have guessed The Beast is really into it, strangling someone, and we've talked a bit about it. How far can you take it, when does it start to become dangerous (the second you put your hand around someones neck) and what do we want to keep as fantasy and what do we want to experience. So far we've taken it slow and safe and I never really had to struggle for air more than a few times but that is something I want to change. I want the feelings to rush through my body and I want them to rush because the panic is closing in and I have to restrain myself from starting to fight him. Then when I'm about to loose control or just have I want him to remove his hand and allow me to breath again. The intensity and amount of feelings then...oh boy!
The Rammstein video I have embedded is not only there because I love Rammsteins music. This song puts me in the mood of being strangled close to the edge and I can't help but being turned on by it. I have this image of how I want it being played while we take strangling one step further and I actually pass out because of it.
I'm rather certain it's not something I want to experience for real.
I think.
The return of the writer
This is a picture of The Beast holding my hair in a tight grip and pulling my head back. To a non-kinky eye it might look like I'm about to get a beating but rest assured, I'm in a very happy place on that picture.
You could say that my entire head is a erotic zone. Inside out.
Taking a firm grip of my throath, grabbing my hair and pulling my head back, holding my chin firmly, putting clothes peg on my lip or giving me a slap on the cheek are all ways to get me hot and submissive and will stimulate my mind too.
Kissing me gently and stroking my cheek like a delicate flower will make me yawn and start doing something more productive - like watching paint dry.
When pulling hair I find that it's important to take a big chunk of hair in ones hand, having to little hair in your hand will hurt to much for my taste and it'll most likely feel like you're actually trying to rip the hair of the skull. Not pleasant.
The collar I'm wearing is bought from an animal store and is a regular black leather collar for dogs but who knew, it fits a bitch too! Actually my favourite collar out of the four I have. It's plain and simple and I love it because of it, plus it fits my neck perfectly A bit on the tight side so I never forget that it's there. Asides from this I have another collar made for dogs but with bling bling on it, a wide posture collar in black leather and a hard silver necklace with The Beasts initial on it.
Yes I've worn both the silver necklace and the necklace on the picture in public and yes I was nervous!
You could say that my entire head is a erotic zone. Inside out.
Taking a firm grip of my throath, grabbing my hair and pulling my head back, holding my chin firmly, putting clothes peg on my lip or giving me a slap on the cheek are all ways to get me hot and submissive and will stimulate my mind too.
Kissing me gently and stroking my cheek like a delicate flower will make me yawn and start doing something more productive - like watching paint dry.
When pulling hair I find that it's important to take a big chunk of hair in ones hand, having to little hair in your hand will hurt to much for my taste and it'll most likely feel like you're actually trying to rip the hair of the skull. Not pleasant.
The collar I'm wearing is bought from an animal store and is a regular black leather collar for dogs but who knew, it fits a bitch too! Actually my favourite collar out of the four I have. It's plain and simple and I love it because of it, plus it fits my neck perfectly A bit on the tight side so I never forget that it's there. Asides from this I have another collar made for dogs but with bling bling on it, a wide posture collar in black leather and a hard silver necklace with The Beasts initial on it.
Yes I've worn both the silver necklace and the necklace on the picture in public and yes I was nervous!
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